
How is it that you work from dawn till dusk and yet somehow the bills mount up faster than the money comes in? Do you struggle to pay yourself or your team?

Almost every small business that falls over in New Zealand does so not because of bad management, but because they ran out of cash.
We use Float, an award winning software solution that will help you forecast when you are going to run out of cash weeks in advance. That way you can take action early and get some shut-eye.
We’ll also check your terms of trade to see if they favour slow payers. We can help you collect outstanding debt from your customers. We’ll help you put the best structure in place so you come out the winner and that the money you’re owed is where it should be at the right time.
If cash flow problems are keeping you awake at night, call us now. We’ll get you back on track.

Cash flow forecast and the Budget. What’s the difference?

Cash flow forecast and the Budget. What’s the difference? Every year businesses should produce a budget and a cash flow forecast. They have a lot of things in common. The cash flow forecast tends to follow the budget. Both are essential aids in running a successful business and to our…

Fast Growth – Budgets, Cashflow, Metrics

A large order or a new market can seem like the breakthrough any small business has been looking for. But for some, the breakthrough turns to despair if there is no plan. Angus was recently interviewed by the New Zealand Herald about advice for SMEs undergoing fast growth. He talks…

How to get debtors to pay on time

It’s vital to your cash flow to get debtors to pay on time and in full. There’s nothing more frustrating than doing a good job for a customer or a client and then waiting to get paid. Worse, it can play havoc with your cash flow and mean that you…

Level One,
317 New North Road,

Auckland, 1021